Sep 25, 2010

New address

Im moving out of Google.
So you can visit me at or
see you there ! :)

all post are there now

Sep 8, 2010

Old SVG files


A few days ago I was watching the Inkscape Community at Orkut (link here) and I re-found the Open Clipart website inside a discussion. So I’ve decided to take a look at my old Mustang made at inkscape, SVG format. I’ve gave him away for free download almost 2 years ago and when I saw it, it had about 1623 downloads.

And that is for me very impressive.

I still get very happy seeing the 9 downloads of Head Sculpt Model, lol.

Well, here is the link for the Mustang Page and download.

And here is the link for Carl Rogers Vector, another good and old art I’ve made:


And sorry for not following some standarts like convert fonts to paths, lol.

But im sure you can handle it.

Blog Update: New Address

Here I am at
You can still find me at but you will be redirected to the address!
Thats is something!